Friday, March 30, 2012

FF #2 - Get A Little "Crazy"

Happy Friday's Frosting to you!  Where do I even begin?  "Inspiration" is a metropolis-sized understatement when it comes to this gal.  I wanted her to be my first F.F. last week, but the truth is this is a little heavy, and I needed more time to try to put my thoughts together.  Now I know I have your attention.  The epitome of empowerment I am referring to is Kris Carr!  If there were a Nobel Prize for inspiration she would be a lifetime achievement winner for sure.  Ok, enough with the intro.  Let's get on with it...I have a lot to say!

Get A Little "Crazy" With Kris Carr
At 31 years old, living in the fast lane in New York City, assuming she had partied a little too much at a recent film festival, or overdone it in yoga class, Kris received the harsh news from her doctor - cancer.  Epithelioid hemangio-endothelioma to be extremely rare disease, with an "untreatable," inoperable diagnosis.  Instead of crawling into a hole and waiting for "the end" she took control and started a new beginning.  She researched like crazy, and as she put it, "I was the CEO, and the doctors worked for me."  She changed her perspective, and asked herself, "If I couldn't be cured, could I still be healthy?"  She decided that she would view her illness as an imbalance.  One that she could strengthen her body and mind to keep in check.  Then the work began, and boy (or, girl) did she make good on everything she learned.  She LIVED it!  So much so that she wrote and directed her own documentary for TLC, "Crazy Sexy Cancer."  She has also written "Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips," "Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor," and my favorite "Crazy Sexy Diet."

Soooooo..."Crazy Sexy Diet"...Following glowing intros from two others, the first words she writes in the book are, "Are you ready to live like you mean it?"  To which I yelled, "YES!!!"  In this book she promotes a low-fat, vegetarian (or vegan) diet that reduces inflammation and balances your body's pH.  (If I have lost you or turned you off at this point please hang in there it's worth it!)  It's all about whole foods, lots of green drinks/super smoothies, and ditching the S.A.D. in your life (Standard American Diet).  I always figured processed foods were killer, but Kris opened my eyes to what the real deal is with animal products, wheat, dairy, etc.  It is amazing to learn that what you put in your mouth can do some serious kung-fu on your organs (and every nook and cell of your body).  She reminds us that back in the day we used to eat real food, before huge corporations became involved with our food.  She also quotes Michael Pollan's book "In Defense of Food": "The chronic diseases that now kill most of us can be traced directly to the industrialization of our food."  Kris feels strongly that our genes are not our destiny.  She gives cancer and disease stats...some read like this: 5-10% of cancers have a genetic link/origin and 70-80% of cancers are linked to diet and other behavioral factors.  (I feel the same about autoimmune may be somewhat predisposed, but you can work with what ya got to keep it in the best check possible.)  Kris clearly is not placing blame, though - not on herself and not on us.  She only encourages us to educate and empower ourselves.  She says, "I'll never know what made me "sick." But it helps for me to ponder how I may have participated so that I can stop participating in my illness."  YES!  We must step up and take responsibility for our wellness!

The majority of the book is obviously about diet (hence its title), food, nutrition, vitamins, and a 21-day cleanse to get your started...but there is a lot of other extremely useful information about taking care of yourself holistically.  It's important to think about healing as finding your balance, your homeostasis, so you can be your best self.  That means mind, body, soul, spirit.  They all have equal value, and you can't neglect even one of them.  "Crazy Sexy Diet" is told from a been there/done that knowledge and with humor and love.  It has tips on how to work on and heal all aspects of your life.  I highly recommend the book to the "imbalanced" (I won't say sick or ill) and "balanced" (healthy) alike.  Don't wait for the life-changing drop-kick to the face that Kris and I had to experience to improve your life.  Make a preventative move instead of a reactive move.  I have done a lot of what the book suggests, and it has made a major difference in my healing process.  I just can't thank Kris enough...there are no words...  I love her and would give her the biggest bear hug if I ever met her!

This isn't just about physical health.  If you are facing any kind of life-challenge let Kris be your example of how not to allow it to steal your joy or keep you from being your best self.  Get to work, and live life fully in spite of it.  NOW is the time!  In the wise words of Seal, "No we're never gonna survive unless we get a little CRAZY!"

(Checking out Kris Carr's incredible website is a MUST!  You will find more useful info there than you will know what to do with!

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