Wednesday, May 30, 2012

You Are Not Alone

Once again...I have spent a little time away from blogging...  It was needed.  Unfortunately I have not been feeling that great, and I am trying to listen to my body and reign back in the things that I can.  (I am sure that swallowing glass - don't ask me from where - last night didn't help!  LOL!)  Though it is late, and I should be sleeping, I am moved to post tonight.  Not just for myself, but hopefully for others out there.  Tonight I listened to someone talking about a time of great suffering in their life.  They were battling cancer, and they were completely alone.  Every time someone suggested, "Well, what about a friend, or this person, or that person?"  They simply kept shaking their head and saying, "NO!  I had no one.  I had decisions to make, and appointments to go to...  I did it all by myself."  Then some of us asked if people were even aware of what she was going to.  She stopped...thought for a moment...she wasn't sure, or she guessed not.  Then I tried to delicately explain that sometimes we restrict ourselves from receiving support.  Sometimes we just need to take down our walls and reach out for it.  I know it is easier said than done...especially if you are a very private or introverted person, but the fact of the matter is that we all need support at one time or another.  My heart broke as she recounted the pit she was in, and the fact that she had no one to lean on.  She didn't even feel that God was there.  I just couldn't wrap my mind around it.  How does someone come into this world and at some point end up with no one?!  Unfortunately it does happen.

I came home and immediately checked on my son in bed and gave him a kiss.  Then I hugged my husband and told him how very much I appreciate all of his love and support.  For all of the differences we have with people in our lives, the annoyances, the ups and downs, THEY ARE THERE!  With all that I have been through this year, my mind can't even go to a place where I come home to an empty house, or I couldn't even come up with a person to call on the phone.  Even on the nights I am sitting up "alone," I know that if something unbearable were to happen, there is someone right next to me (or in the other room if he's snoring!  LOL!) who would jump up, care for me, and make sure I got the help I needed.

I guess this post is my plea to YOU.  PLEASE pray for those in the world who truly have no one.  No one to shoulder the burden with, and no one to share the joys with.  Then I would ask you to open yourself up to being a "someone" for someone like that.  Just check in on them periodically, offer to take them somewhere, let them know that someone is thinking about them and cares.  (I remember sitting at a table of "senior citizens" braiding palms for Palm Sunday, and they were talking about how many of their friends were discovered passed away only because their newspapers had built up outside their door - how sad!)  I know, I know...our lives are so busy, and other excuses...  Be thankful that your life is filled with things to do and people to see!  I am not sure there is anything more sad than feeling lonely.  Do your part to absorb the loneliness factor in this world.  Let's sop it up until it's all gone!  Oh, and if you ever find yourself with no one, PLEASE reach out into the world around you, because I guarantee someone cares and wants to be there for YOU!  Tonight I am sending lots of love out to everyone who needs someone.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Reconnect and Recharge

So I can be a bit of a see-saw when it comes to my general opinion of "people."  Some days I feel all doom and gloom and decide that humanity has gone downhill, and there is no hope other than Jesus showing up to wipe everything out and start over (or whatever the plan is).  Dramatic, huh?  It's usually when it feels like everyone is cutting me off while I am out and about, or someone bumps into me and doesn't say "excuse me"...those sorts of things.  Forget about watching or reading the news...all they report is the negative, so of course I walk away feeling hopeless and afraid!  Then there are days when I see people doing wonderful, selfless things for others and my faith in humankind is restored.  A stranger will make eye contact, smile, and say "hi."  That makes my day!

When I take stock of my life I would say that overall I am definitely a people person.  From the time I was little I loved visiting with anyone and everyone...though, there was something extra special about older/elderly people.  I could sit forever and listen to stories about the "good old days."  When my family lived in New York, around my Dad's huge Italian family, we had big, loud, festive gatherings - especially around holidays - and that is when I was in my glory.  Then we moved to Vermont, where my mom is from...more good times with a large family, just a little quieter.  I am quite a bit younger than most of my cousins on my mom's side, so it was always fun to tag along with them, have them take care of me, ride in their cars, have sleep-overs at their houses.  Then when they had kids, more excitement.  Good times!

I had good friends at school, Brownies, gymnastics...BEST friends at dance, etc.  After moving from New York living in the "middle of nowhere" wasn't exactly ideal for my social side, but getting into dance really saved me in that sense.

Then I went to college!  'Nuff said.  Pure joy, pure happiness.  That is when I really started living the philosophy "I will talk to anyone."  Just ask my best friends...we couldn't make a simple trip to the dining hall without me talking to every cleaning person and cafeteria staff member on the way.  (Let me just point out that it is a quality I grew up loathing about my couldn't go anywhere with him without it taking quadruple the time it should have for the same reason.)  I just found people and their unique stories so interesting.  I saw beauty and value in so many new and exciting faces.  I have to admit that my college experience was way more about the socializing than the academics.  Oh well.  Going back I wouldn't change a thing, because everything has ended up just fine for me.  I would say that if I could go back knowing what I know now, I would be a little more focused and driven as far as the school work.  On the other hand, I did focus on the most important part...people.  When I leave this world my GPA really won't matter, or the jobs I had or didn’t have, but the memories and beloved friends are forever.

After graduating (very sad for me) my hope was to find a job that had something to do with journalism or publishing.  Um...I soon realized (especially after moving to N.Y.C.) that I couldn't live on the salary or take the time to climb that very steep ladder.  First, I unexpectedly ended up working in career development at Tuck (Dartmouth's MBA school).  BEST.JOB.EVER!  My co-workers were wonderful, and I adored the students.  Every year a new group of highly intelligent, interesting, warm students - with a new set of life stories - came in.  People talk about Tuck as a kind of is.  It is a very special place.  (Not to mention I met my husband there!)  After that I moved to N.Y.C. and Boston, and had two recruiting positions at two consulting firms.  They were also good jobs, with fun opportunities, and I made great friends from both.  There was one skill that was crucial for all of the jobs I have ever had - you had to really be a people person.

Then fast-forward to motherhood.  It was truly the only position I ever wanted in life, and I knew that from very early on.  I knew I wanted to stay at home with my children if I could.  When you are going into it you never know what to expect.  Becoming a parent means you have to let go of having control of your life.  My son was born with jaundice and then began to lose weight at an alarming rate.  He was so lethargic that he simply could not stay awake to eat.  I was determined to breast feed, so it was all on me.  It was the most stressful time of my life.  Learning he had reflux four months into it...and then at the six month mark figuring out that he couldn't tolerate my eating dairy or soy...brought some improvement, but feedings still took a minimum of an hour each.  My days were spent sitting, feeding, sitting, feeding, sitting, feeding.  I was fine with it, giving my all (and then some) to my child.  Showering was a luxury.  Slowly but surely any personal identity or contact with the outside world slipped away.  Despite words of warning and advice I was head-down, determined to do the best thing for my child no matter what.  Blinders went on to the rest of the world.  I kept dangling a carrot in front of myself thinking, "This will get better soon, and then I will make time to see someone or talk to a friend."  I did that for almost two years.  By that point I forgot I was a people person.  I had gone so far in the opposite direction of what was natural for me, and that was my new norm.

It took my getting sick to realize that I had deprived myself of something that brought me joy, something I needed to thrive.  I also realized that this was not the first time that something like this had happened in my life.  It made me so aware of how much we need each other in life.  As much as we might tell ourselves "I am fine, I don't need anyone," it's simply not true.  We all draw off from one another.  It makes sense that babies who no one pays attention to or holds can actually die.  We NEED each other.  We need validation, we need to know we matter.  We need to be seen, really seen...and listened to and really heard.  Most of all we need to feel loved.

It is easy to let time get away from us, and our busy lives can prevent even our best of intentions from happening.  As I have carved time out to chat with people on Facebook, or send a “hi” via e-mail, I have felt more and more like my "old" self.  I am happy to say that just this week I have reconnected with four special people in my life.  Two were by computer, and two were by phone.  And as I wrote about last night, I made a new connection this week.  Each exchange fed my soul.  It made me feel like I was living meaningfully.  That spark of what it is all about grew inside of me.  I feel it boosting my healing and bringing me great joy and peace.

No matter what you tell yourself, you are needed, too.  Some of us have a hard time feeling good about ourselves, but reaching out to others can remind us that we have great value…that we bring something special to the table.  It is important to nurture and cultivate these connections to make us feel alive.  Do not neglect them or let them wither away.  Finding people who really "get" you, and you have a strong connection with, is a precious gift.  It is the very thing that can get you through the hard times.  It will recharge you for whatever is to come.  Then your inner flame will be fed so your light can shine the way it was meant to!

Want to feel better?  Reach out to an old friend or loved one today!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

You too?

Ok, so when I started this blog I wasn't sure how much, if at all, I was going to talk about Lyme Disease.  Tonight I had an experience of being somewhat prompted to share a little more.  From the moment I had an official diagnosis you would not even believe (I am not exaggerating) the number of people I have encountered who either have it themselves, or someone close to them has it.  First of all, I have a handful of cousins with it, my sister-in-law has it, I believe my brother has/had it (his dog has it)...I also think my Dad has it (he has even had the bullseye, but doctors would not treat him), and it is possible that other family members have it.  I have talked to people in my hometown in Vermont with it, our carpenter - his wife has it, our flooring guy - his mother has it, our vent cleaner - his girlfriend has it, our tile guy - his mother has it, my dentist - his sister-in-law has it, my husband's friend, my herbalist and his wife, and the list goes on.  I literally talk to people almost daily who tell me they know someone, or many people who have suffered, or are currently suffering, from Lyme Disease.  My parents are constantly calling with another person they met and talked with about it.

For whatever reason (I won't get into speculation) it is an underground illness.  Many go for extended periods of time not knowing what is wrong, doctors think they are crazy, yada, yada...we all have similar stories.  Most are left to advocate for themselves...hopefully finding one of the few doctors who understand and treat this "phantom," debilitating disease.  The doctors who do treat it say that Lyme patients are some of the sickest people out there, and they are the ones with the least help.  Most of these doctors also do not take insurance because of the liability of treating such a controversial illness.

Tonight I headed off to a church group I had not been to before.  It was a small group, and being the last person to arrive I sat down in the only empty chair at the intimate, oblong table.  The woman to my right was struggling to get a name tag for me, and I immediately noticed her arthritic, knobby hands.  The group discussion took off, and it was clear that most of these people knew each other and felt comfortable speaking whatever came to mind.  I listened and thought if the floor opened up I was happy to speak my opinion or thoughts, but there was no lull in the flow of conversation.  The topic was prayer, and there was a booklet and Bible passages that went along with it.  Toward the end of the evening one of the final questions was around a time that you put a struggle or difficulty in front of God and just completely gave it over to Him...trusting His will to be done.  SILENCE.  No one said anything.  I looked around.  Nothing.  Then it just came out, "I will share."  I just explained that I have been very sick over the last year, and that at some point in the last month or two I grew tired...  Tired of struggling, trying so hard to find answers, to get better...tired of this illness/awful thing consuming my every day, most of my thoughts.  One day I just said, "God, I am tired.  I can't carry this anymore.  I am giving it to You, for Your will to be done."  I basically just asked for the strength to keep going, to get through it.  I had spent so much time begging for relief, for a miracle...little by little things have improved, but when I let it go, handed it over, things really shifted for me.  It was like a weight was lifted.  Don't get me wrong, I still worry and sometimes revert back to the way I was handling things before, but something has fundamentally changed for me.  It doesn't mean my symptoms are gone, or I am healed, but I am having a different experience with it.

Anyway...everyone was so kind in thanking me for sharing so openly.  For some reason it just came so naturally and was so easy.  That is not who I have always been, but it is definitely who I have become.  At the end of the night as we were packing up our things the woman to my right turned to me with the most heartfelt appreciation for what I had said.  She told me that she has been struggling with the same exact feelings around her illnesses - Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus.  I talked to her and probed about her symptoms, her treatment.  She said that doctors and medicine haven't really been able to help her.  She looked so defeated, so exhausted, so skinny and sick.  I told her about Lyme, and she has felt that could be at the root of her problems, but her doctors refuse to test her for it saying the usual, "there is no such thing as Chronic Lyme."  She has presented them with symptoms and been told, "We have never heard of such symptoms, that's not possible."  She was starting to believe them!  I looked her in the eye and said, "Don't ever let a doctor tell YOU how you are feeling."  I gave her as much information as I could at that point, and I said, "I am going to help you."  I gave her my phone number and e-mail address and told her to contact me anytime.  I saw hope spark in her eyes, and the most beautiful, radiant smile.  She hugged me and told me I was a God-send.  My heart and soul were filled with joy.

My point is this: we all have a story.  Your gift to the world is to share it.  We all have common threads, and when brought together they create hope and love.  We are so conditioned to hold our cards close to our chest, but we need to realize that there is nothing to hide, nothing to be embarrassed about.  There are MANY out there with the same exact story as yours.  When we share we all feel more human, more alive, more hopeful.  I have been so touched by the number of people who have reached out to me in the last year to tell me what they have been through and offer support.  It has been a real lifeline for me.  Now it is my turn to be that lifeline for someone else.  Put yourself out there.  It will benefit you and the world!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Probiotics Are A MUST!

This will have to be a quick one tonight since it is late - and we have our wireless on a timer so it shuts off at 11:00PM (it is good to reduce your exposure to EMFs as much as possible...shut off that cell phone, or at least put it on airplane mode as much as possible - definitely during sleep, because it messes with your natural rhythms/health.)  Anyway...back to the topic: PROBIOTICS!

If there is one piece of health advice (at least as far as products go) that I hope EVERYONE will take away from this blog it is taking a probiotic.  Probiotic literally means pro-life!  That's a good thing!  We are exposed to things that mess with our intestinal flora on a daily basis.  Even if you eat food that you prepare yourself, there are microscopic parasites that you just can't avoid.  Ever play out in the dirt?  Have/kiss/snuggle with a pet?  Travel to a foreign country?  Yup, then you've got parasites.  Not a fun thing to think about, I know!  In a perfectly healthy body, it shouldn't cause a problem.  When your body is run-down, and your immune system is compromised (think mono, auto-immune diseases, etc.) the parasites have a chance to get the upper hand.  It is especially a problem for those of us missing our appendix.  Surprise, you actually DO need it, and it does serve a purpose!  The appendix is the safe place/factory for good bacteria to be created and then populate the intestines.  Without it, there are fewer "good guys" than "bad guys."  This is a problem!  Trust me, I know from experience...a lot of pain and 20lbs. gone later...  Also, the bacteria that can take over your gut can then cause such a problem that it gets into other areas of your body and take them down as well (I will get into this in a future post.)  So many things can alter your intestinal flora, not just parasites - antibiotic use (that's why yogurt is suggested when you have to take them), too much sugar in your diet, etc.

Some ridiculously high percentage of your immune system is housed in your gut, so you want to keep it healthy and up and running at optimum levels.  When your digestive system is off track and your flora are out of balance, you have no idea the numerous negative effects that can have on overall health (and I won't bore/scare/gross you out with the details - you can look it up).  It is all connected!

Quickly, some brands I suggest are:
1. Renew Life (I use the 50 Billion Critical Care)
2. Dr. Ohhira's
3. Theramedix PBC and PB8
(I have also heard that Jarrow has some good products)

You can get most on Amazon if you can't find them locally...usually cheaper, too.

Some tips about probiotics:
- A lot of probiotics never even reach your intestines (where they need to be) because of the acid/juices they have to get through on the way. A good way to help with this is by taking them with warm, lemon or lime water. (I know that seems acidic, but it actually acts as a buffer). The absolute best way to take them is first thing in the morning (an hour before you eat), and/or last thing in the evening (an hour after you are done eating for the day). At least make sure you take them away from food (an hour on both ends).

- If you can, it is important to switch your probiotic every once in a while (like when you run out, or every 2-3 months). They are all a little different, so this helps you get a well-rounded repopulation.  If you want to tip-toe into giving yourself a probiotic boost, first try organic yogurt and/or kefir.  For those with dairy sensitivities there are coconut/almond/goat's milk alternatives.  Kefir and other cultured products are particularly beneficial.

There is so much to say about probiotics, but these are the basics to get you off to a good start!  Here's to some healthy pill popping!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Product Review - Herbal Animals

I thought I would lighten things up a bit with a little product review.  I know I have mentioned that all of my healthcare providers keep stressing that SLEEP is THE MOST IMPORTANT key to my healing process.  I know it is true, but it continues to be something I struggle with.  For one, the Lyme has really messed with my thyroid, hormones, adrenals, etc...hence causing crazy sleep habits.  Another issue is what my hypnotherapist calls "Mommy Syndrome."  It's when you finally reach the end of the day...everyone else is in bed (and staying put), everything is cleaned up and put away, and what's that sound?!  SILENCE!  It is that time that you want to relish...put your feet up, watch a show, open a book...but it is already 10PM!  It is hard to give up that little slice of beautiful "me time" to do whatever you want for yourself, but as I am reminded: SLEEP IS MORE IMPORTANT!

I have tried lots of different things in the last year, for many different issues.  As far as sleep goes I have tried gave me an upset stomach.  Docs wanted to put me on sleep thanks.  I tried sleep teas, but they seemed to hype me up more.  Then I came across Herbal Animals.  I was immediately impressed by the fact that they are made from 100% certified organically grown herbs, seeds, and cotton...and made in the USA.  When I first found them I thought, "how cute" for my 3-year-old son (who happens to have some sleep issues, too!)  I planned to get him a bunny for his Easter basket, and a dolphin to go with his ocean-themed room.  Then I thought...hey, why not get a few more?!  I got one for myself and one for each of my parents.

I purchased the eye pillows (they also make neck pillows), which when placed on your eyes put pressure on just the right points to bring relaxation.  We sleep with them in our beds, and my son knows that when he can't sleep he just needs to squeeze his little herbal buddy to activate the herbs.  They smell great, and I really do believe in the power of herbs.  My family and friends now call me a "hippie," which is fine with me.  I feel strongly that we all need to get back to a more natural way of living, healing, and managing whatever issues arise.

Herbal Animals make great gifts, or a fun treat for any age!  They are adorable, and I assure you that you will get a kick out of their creative names.  For instance, mine is "Mary Tiger Moore."  I chose her specifically for her herbal combination, but she is also too cute!  If you don't know much about what each herb is most beneficial for, each critter has a description on the site to give you some guidance.  Check it is something unique and beneficial, and it is a company I feel great about supporting.  They donate to Feed the Children, The Humane Society, and Save the Children - all wonderful causes!  They are also super sweet - they sent me a free t-shirt and a thank-you note for my order.  Herbal Animals have brought sweeter dreams to our house...and lots of smiles, too!

Herbal Animals website:

Sunday, May 20, 2012

SSS #3 - Just Wait

As I have probably mentioned before...I LOVE music!  I mean REALLY LOVE it!  It is one of my "things" in life.  Before I became a mom a lot of my free time was spent at concerts.  I can't even count or name all of the performances I have been privileged enough to attend.  It was a bit of an obsession...joining fan clubs, using tactics to nab the closest seats possible...  Let's just say that I have sat at Dave Matthews' feet and met Brad Paisley many times (to name the first few experiences that came to mind).  I have been very blessed when it comes to amazing musical experiences.  Last week I was getting a detox bath ready when I thought, "What am I going to listen to today?"  I decided to take myself back a ways and put on the Blues Traveler's "Four" album.  It is crazy how just hearing the first notes took me back to around my Freshmen year in high school.  The other thing that blows me away is how the same lyrics can have just as much meaning, years later, in a totally different way.  You evolve, the song stays exactly the same, but it still applies.

What I love about this song in particular is that it reminds me of something very important.  Patience in life is crucial.  Most of us just don't want to deal with it.  Especially when going through something difficult or painful.  We live in a world where we can get access to most of what we want the minute we want it, or at least that is how we think it should be.  That definitely has not built our characters to be good at waiting.

I remember almost a year ago when out of desperation I decided to try an extremely restricted diet to see if that would help my "mystery" illness.  The website I was following most closely suggested that you had to stay at that level of the diet for 4-6 weeks minimum.  I counted the weeks on my calendar, and I remember thinking, "Well, that will be the whole summer."  At the beginning each day felt like an eternity.  The pain I was in, the fear, the sleep deprivation...some days I didn't think I could make it through another day in the state I was in.  I remember a while later talking on the phone with another person who had Lyme, and she said to me, "Give it time, and I really do believe you will get better."  I hoped and prayed that she was right.  When I look back over the last year, it has been a very long and hard one, but time has definitely brought great healing and progress.  I am proud to say that I am still maintaining the diet, too...4-6 months was nothing!  HA!  (No, it is not fun or easy, but I am doing it!)

Many of our hurts in life just need patience and time.  It is not always easy, but it is so necessary.  Time can also give you a much greater perspective...not everything needs to be wrapped up and signed off on immediately.  When we rush things sometimes we end up regretting the decisions we made or the way we handled a situation.  Plus, the world needs more patience in it.  Every night I pray that God helps all of us be more patient and kind with one another...that would go a long way in making life so much better for everyone.

Back to the song...  It is perfect for what I have been going through, so I know it will be for so many others as well.  Whether it is your health, a relationship, a job, everything!  I care, and I hope and pray that  you have the strength to do the best you can and wait it out.  YOU WILL GET THROUGH IT!  And you will be better on the other side of it.  Just wait!

Just Wait
(Blues Traveler)

If ever you are feeling like you’re tired
And all your uphill struggles leave you headed downhill
If you realize your wildest dreams can hurt you
And your appetite for pain has drinken its fill

I ask of you a very simple question
Did you think for one minute that you are alone
And is your suffering a privilege you share only
Or did you think that everybody else feels completely at home

Just wait
Just wait
Just wait
And it will come

If you think I’ve given up on you you’re crazy
And if you think I don’t love you well then you’re just wrong
In time you just might take to feeling better
Time is the beauty of the road being long

I know that now you feel no consolation
But maybe if I told you and informed you out loud
I say this without fear of hesitation
I can honestly tell you that you make me proud

Just wait
Just wait
Just wait
And it will come
Just wait
Just wait
Just wait
And it will come

If anything I might have just said has helped you
If anything I might have just said helped you just carry on
Your rise uphill may no longer seem a struggle
And your appetite for pain may all but be gone

I hope for you and cannot stop at hoping
Until that smile has once again returned to your face
There’s no such thing as a failure who keeps trying
Coasting to the bottom is the only disgrace

Just wait
Just wait
Just wait
And it will come
Just wait
Just wait
Just wait
And it will come
Just wait
Just wait
Just wait
And it will come

Saturday, May 19, 2012

When In Doubt, Throw It Out!

I started saying that to myself a lot in the last year..."when in doubt, throw it out."  It seems like I have really embraced the opportunity to clean up many aspects of my life.  As with anything it is a work in progress.  Anyone who knows me knows that I like to keep things...hang on to them...  It is usually for sentimental reasons, or in the words so often used by my father, "I might need that someday."  Really?!  That napkin from the cupcake shop I visited 8 years ago with friends, or that cork coaster I picked up from some recruiting event, or that People magazine from 5 years ago with my favorite singer on the cover...  In reality they all end up in a PILE.  Then that pile gets moved around from one room to the other, from one drawer to anther, from one closet to another, etc...until it ends up in the never-to-be-seen-again attic or garage.  (Just ask my mother who anytime she asked me to clean my room would end up with another garbage bag of "stuff" in her attic...she is still suffering from the aftermath of that!)  UGH!  I finally just became fed up with it.  Enough!  It would be one thing if I was organized and motivated enough to be a scrapbooker, or something.  I would love that!  Then each book could have its neat little place on a shelf, and I could easily walk down memory lane any time I wanted.  That is who I want to be, but...not going to happen at this point (for now at least).  Coming to terms with that fact I decided to purge!  It started with my clothes and shoes.  I donated a ton of things that I would realistically never put on again...and frankly I was sick of seeing them hanging around.  Then I just got better at weeding through things here and there...getting on kicks with certain areas every once in a while.  Like the pantry that has seriously expired items and things I simply can't eat or use anymore, the refrigerator with birth announcements of kids that are now in kindergarten, etc. (ok, that might be a slight exaggeration.)

My latest thing is TOXIC products!  A long time ago we switched over to all green/eco friendly cleaning products, but I still had remnants of the old, toxic stuff lurking about.  I went through our laundry room, every bathroom cabinet/drawer/closet, and all the other nooks.  I found lots of stuff that, looking back, I can't believe I ever bought.  Then I went through my cosmetics...that made me feel even worse!  Out went all the old nail polish...I shuddered thinking about the years I spent with that stuff on 24/7!  The body lotions with the mile-long ingredient list of things I can't pronounce, that the biggest organ I have was drinking up daily.  The perfumes that now cause me to feel nauseous and lightheaded.  YUCK!  Sure all of these thoughts make me feel super old and uptight, but mostly I am grateful for my growing awareness.  I am not saying all of this to make anyone feel judged for the products they use, but I am putting it out there to inform.  I am also not trying to ruin anyone's fun (especially as far as beauty products go).  If you think about it, read about it, and keep things the same, that is your decision to make and I understand.  I know that cost can also be a factor, but you might be surprised by the reasonable options out there.  You can make one or two changes that will make a huge impact on your health.

Back in my younger days I didn't really think much about this stuff, because I was more focused on looking good and having fun!  Then things started to change when I decided I wanted to be a mom.  Since then I have done more and more research and have been able to make better choices for myself and for my family.  Since getting sick I have really put this priority front and center.  I am always psyched to see the impact it has on the people I love, too.  My mom's bathroom closet looks a lot different now, and my husband has switched a lot of his personal care items.  You don't have to cut everything out of your life, but you can make smarter selections.  If you really want to wear nail polish you could try brands like Spa Ritual, Zoya, Scotch, Vapour, etc.  They are still not good for you (don't believe the hype - there is no such thing as a "healthy" nail polish), but they are a better alternative.  Sometimes we are fooled into thinking we are making better choices, and that is where I get upset.  The companies that use the words "natural," "herbal," "healthy," when they are pumping their products full of chemicals are disgusting.  It is called "greenwashing," and it is very misleading.  I remember back in the earlier days when I was trying to make positive changes, and I was lured in by the (new at that time) Jergen's Naturals.  Then I happened onto an article online about the truth of what's really in the lotion, and I felt so duped!  Now I know better, and I want to make sure others do too!

Here are a few tools to help you out.  First of all, if you don't know about the "Environmental Working Group" (EWG) you MUST, MUST, MUST check them out!  I have learned SO MUCH from them!  Go to their website ( , sign-up for their e-mails, use their databases, and DONATE if you can!  They do amazing work, and I LOVE them!  Below is a link to a document from them about household products.  Please read it!  Another golden nugget is "The Story of Stuff."  You can get lost in their amazing website, too:  If nothing else, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch this video about cosmetics.  It will change your life...for the GOOD!  I promise. we went today as a family to the Hazardous Waste Disposal site for our area.  (Please always remember that you have to dispose of these toxins in a safe and responsible manner so you don't contribute to further polluting the earth! -  It should tell you something that by law you are technically required to dispose of nail polish at one of these types of facilities!  It felt really great to get all of that junk out of our home.  Another step to making our lives healthier...saying goodbye to our previously toxic existence and hello to doing the best we can to be healthy in a holistic way.

Going back to what I keep telling you, YOU have the power!  The more you know, the more you grow (remember those commercials?!)...and once again, from MY ;-) Oprah (really from Maya Angelou), "When you know better, you do better."  No one else is going to look out for you, especially not the huge corporations who are making major dollars off from you.  Take care of yourself and your family!  (You can start by reading the document below and watching the video!)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Long Time, No Posts

Well...good thing I had written in my disclaimer that this might just be a fling for promises!  Hahaha!  I guess I know myself too well.  The truth is this...  During the week of Lent I had all of these inspiring ideas that would coincide with some of the messages that go with Lent.  When I got to Good Friday the subject was staring me in the face "Suffering."  I had a few ideas written down, but every time I started to write...delete, delete, delete...  The plan was to be super inspiring and encouraging on the topic of suffering, how it can actually be a positive thing, but when it came down to it I just couldn't do it.  The fact of the matter is that most people don't want to hear it either.  I find that most people suffer in life, somehow, in some way, at some point or even frequently.  I don't really understand why, but I don't think we are meant to, not in this life.  That is just how life on earth is.  We have challenges, and going through them (whether we like it or not) can either knock us down or build us up.  That part is really up to us.  One gift I have received through my trials is that I have realized the power of my own mind.  I might not be able to change whatever difficult thing is plaguing me, but I can decide to look at it differently, think about it differently.  It really does make a difference, and it is empowering.

Another reason for my flat-lined blog is that I am just plain tired.  Tired of trying to juggle too much and keep too many balls in the air.  When I look at it, I don't really accomplish all that much in a day, but sometimes just the basics wear me out.  There are also a lot of blank spaces in my symptoms log, my medicine log, etc...  I am just over thinking about "it" sometimes.  (I am happy to report that I have kept up with my Gratitude Journal!)  I took the time I would have been blogging and instead used our new sauna (great for healing), or did a relaxation exercise, or walked on the treadmill...or just went to bed.  I prioritized what was most important for me.  Most of the time I am not even good at doing that.  I get to the end of many days and still haven't done the minimum of what my "healing team" has suggested.  It is a full-time job.  When I was blogging more regularly (though a brief period of time) it was keeping me up a lot later, and I ended up putting too much pressure on myself.  It went from something fun, with just stream-of-consciousness (easy) writing, to me telling myself that I had to fill it with all sorts of info and "important" stuff from various sources, etc.  I basically ruined it for myself...turning it into something it didn't have to be.  Funny how we can do that to ourselves.  There is that perspective thing again, it needed to shift!

Well, at least I am consistent at being inconsistent!  Story of my life!  I have decided to embrace it instead of beating myself up for it.  It is who I am...I am sure there are all sorts of underlying reasons for it...  I could give all sorts of excuses, but really all I can do is work on it bit by bit, day by day.  Here I am a year after my health took a serious nosedive, and I have proven that I can work hard and make changes.  I am leaps and bounds from where I was a year ago.  I am proud to say a lot of it was through my own motivation and research.  When no doctor would help me I dug deep and found a way.  I can't take all the credit...I believe (being a Christian) that God lit the way for me.  However, the message at church last night was that Christ can knock at your door, but it is up to YOU if you are going to let Him in or not.  It is like that with anything in life, IT IS UP TO YOU!  The thread that runs through this round-about-post is that YOU can do it, or you can chose not to do it.  You have more power than you even know.  Just take it one day, even one moment at a time.  When I "mess up" I know that I can decide to turn it around in that moment.  All is not lost.

Sooooo...again, no promises with all of this.  I will do what I can, when I can.  My husband and I were laughing tonight about all of my "on Fridays I will be writing about X, on Saturdays Y, etc..."  Hahaha!  Oh well!  It was a good idea...maybe at some point.  Just know that I appreciate anyone who has taken the time to read my words!  It means a lot!