This will have to be a quick one tonight since it is late - and we have our wireless on a timer so it shuts off at 11:00PM (it is good to reduce your exposure to EMFs as much as possible...shut off that cell phone, or at least put it on airplane mode as much as possible - definitely during sleep, because it messes with your natural rhythms/health.) Anyway...back to the topic: PROBIOTICS!
If there is one piece of health advice (at least as far as products go) that I hope EVERYONE will take away from this blog it is taking a probiotic. Probiotic literally means pro-life! That's a good thing! We are exposed to things that mess with our intestinal flora on a daily basis. Even if you eat food that you prepare yourself, there are microscopic parasites that you just can't avoid. Ever play out in the dirt? Have/kiss/snuggle with a pet? Travel to a foreign country? Yup, then you've got parasites. Not a fun thing to think about, I know! In a perfectly healthy body, it shouldn't cause a problem. When your body is run-down, and your immune system is compromised (think mono, auto-immune diseases, etc.) the parasites have a chance to get the upper hand. It is especially a problem for those of us missing our appendix. Surprise, you actually DO need it, and it does serve a purpose! The appendix is the safe place/factory for good bacteria to be created and then populate the intestines. Without it, there are fewer "good guys" than "bad guys." This is a problem! Trust me, I know from experience...a lot of pain and 20lbs. gone later... Also, the bacteria that can take over your gut can then cause such a problem that it gets into other areas of your body and take them down as well (I will get into this in a future post.) So many things can alter your intestinal flora, not just parasites - antibiotic use (that's why yogurt is suggested when you have to take them), too much sugar in your diet, etc.
Some ridiculously high percentage of your immune system is housed in your gut, so you want to keep it healthy and up and running at optimum levels. When your digestive system is off track and your flora are out of balance, you have no idea the numerous negative effects that can have on overall health (and I won't bore/scare/gross you out with the details - you can look it up). It is all connected!
Quickly, some brands I suggest are:
1. Renew Life (I use the 50 Billion Critical Care)
2. Dr. Ohhira's
3. Theramedix PBC and PB8
(I have also heard that Jarrow has some good products)
You can get most on Amazon if you can't find them locally...usually cheaper, too.
Some tips about probiotics:
- A lot of probiotics never even reach your intestines (where they need to be) because of the acid/juices they have to get through on the way. A good way to help with this is by taking them with warm, lemon or lime water. (I know that seems acidic, but it actually acts as a buffer). The absolute best way to take them is first thing in the morning (an hour before you eat), and/or last thing in the evening (an hour after you are done eating for the day). At least make sure you take them away from food (an hour on both ends).
- If you can, it is important to switch your probiotic every once in a while (like when you run out, or every 2-3 months). They are all a little different, so this helps you get a well-rounded repopulation. If you want to tip-toe into giving yourself a probiotic boost, first try organic yogurt and/or kefir. For those with dairy sensitivities there are coconut/almond/goat's milk alternatives. Kefir and other cultured products are particularly beneficial.
There is so much to say about probiotics, but these are the basics to get you off to a good start! Here's to some healthy pill popping!
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