Saturday, March 31, 2012

Soak It Up...Or Out!

This is going to be a quick one, but a good one!  My best friend has been my good ol' bathtub lately.  I have felt so-so about baths over the years, always preferring showers, but my tune has changed a little these days.  I understand so much more about how these mini-spas work.  Their key function for me is that they DETOXIFY!  Even if you don't have quite as many of the "nasties" to expel as I do, baths can and do benefit most people.  Draw the water as hot as you can stand it, and soak for at least 20 minutes.  For a super detox session add any or all of the following: 2-3 cups of Epsom Salt, 1/4-1/2 cup of baking soda, and 1/2-1 cup of Bentonite Clay.  I also add a bunch of essential own cocktail that I tweaked for my personal needs.  You can take a cup of almond milk, add the oils, and shake to emulsify...then just dump it right in!  Swirl it all together and steep!  If nothing else you should feel much more relaxed and ready to face life afterward!

Friday, March 30, 2012

FF #2 - Get A Little "Crazy"

Happy Friday's Frosting to you!  Where do I even begin?  "Inspiration" is a metropolis-sized understatement when it comes to this gal.  I wanted her to be my first F.F. last week, but the truth is this is a little heavy, and I needed more time to try to put my thoughts together.  Now I know I have your attention.  The epitome of empowerment I am referring to is Kris Carr!  If there were a Nobel Prize for inspiration she would be a lifetime achievement winner for sure.  Ok, enough with the intro.  Let's get on with it...I have a lot to say!

Get A Little "Crazy" With Kris Carr
At 31 years old, living in the fast lane in New York City, assuming she had partied a little too much at a recent film festival, or overdone it in yoga class, Kris received the harsh news from her doctor - cancer.  Epithelioid hemangio-endothelioma to be extremely rare disease, with an "untreatable," inoperable diagnosis.  Instead of crawling into a hole and waiting for "the end" she took control and started a new beginning.  She researched like crazy, and as she put it, "I was the CEO, and the doctors worked for me."  She changed her perspective, and asked herself, "If I couldn't be cured, could I still be healthy?"  She decided that she would view her illness as an imbalance.  One that she could strengthen her body and mind to keep in check.  Then the work began, and boy (or, girl) did she make good on everything she learned.  She LIVED it!  So much so that she wrote and directed her own documentary for TLC, "Crazy Sexy Cancer."  She has also written "Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips," "Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor," and my favorite "Crazy Sexy Diet."

Soooooo..."Crazy Sexy Diet"...Following glowing intros from two others, the first words she writes in the book are, "Are you ready to live like you mean it?"  To which I yelled, "YES!!!"  In this book she promotes a low-fat, vegetarian (or vegan) diet that reduces inflammation and balances your body's pH.  (If I have lost you or turned you off at this point please hang in there it's worth it!)  It's all about whole foods, lots of green drinks/super smoothies, and ditching the S.A.D. in your life (Standard American Diet).  I always figured processed foods were killer, but Kris opened my eyes to what the real deal is with animal products, wheat, dairy, etc.  It is amazing to learn that what you put in your mouth can do some serious kung-fu on your organs (and every nook and cell of your body).  She reminds us that back in the day we used to eat real food, before huge corporations became involved with our food.  She also quotes Michael Pollan's book "In Defense of Food": "The chronic diseases that now kill most of us can be traced directly to the industrialization of our food."  Kris feels strongly that our genes are not our destiny.  She gives cancer and disease stats...some read like this: 5-10% of cancers have a genetic link/origin and 70-80% of cancers are linked to diet and other behavioral factors.  (I feel the same about autoimmune may be somewhat predisposed, but you can work with what ya got to keep it in the best check possible.)  Kris clearly is not placing blame, though - not on herself and not on us.  She only encourages us to educate and empower ourselves.  She says, "I'll never know what made me "sick." But it helps for me to ponder how I may have participated so that I can stop participating in my illness."  YES!  We must step up and take responsibility for our wellness!

The majority of the book is obviously about diet (hence its title), food, nutrition, vitamins, and a 21-day cleanse to get your started...but there is a lot of other extremely useful information about taking care of yourself holistically.  It's important to think about healing as finding your balance, your homeostasis, so you can be your best self.  That means mind, body, soul, spirit.  They all have equal value, and you can't neglect even one of them.  "Crazy Sexy Diet" is told from a been there/done that knowledge and with humor and love.  It has tips on how to work on and heal all aspects of your life.  I highly recommend the book to the "imbalanced" (I won't say sick or ill) and "balanced" (healthy) alike.  Don't wait for the life-changing drop-kick to the face that Kris and I had to experience to improve your life.  Make a preventative move instead of a reactive move.  I have done a lot of what the book suggests, and it has made a major difference in my healing process.  I just can't thank Kris enough...there are no words...  I love her and would give her the biggest bear hug if I ever met her!

This isn't just about physical health.  If you are facing any kind of life-challenge let Kris be your example of how not to allow it to steal your joy or keep you from being your best self.  Get to work, and live life fully in spite of it.  NOW is the time!  In the wise words of Seal, "No we're never gonna survive unless we get a little CRAZY!"

(Checking out Kris Carr's incredible website is a MUST!  You will find more useful info there than you will know what to do with!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Rarely Ordinary

One afternoon last week, while I was standing at my kitchen sink, a bird on the neighbor's fence caught my eye.  The glare from the sun was somewhat impairing my vision, but from what I could tell the bird was different from all the others I usually see.  I stopped washing dishes and rifled through my "odds and ends" drawer for my binoculars.  I just couldn't find the right angle to get a clear view.  It was a good-sized bird (sort of medium sized) with white around its eyes and throat.  I watched its movements closely.  It looked like it was carefully grooming itself...and that maybe some bugs were bothering it, as it pecked at itself in a fast and annoyed manner.  I enjoyed watching it ruffle its feathers, and my mind wandered to how each living thing is so beautifully unique and perfectly created.  Then the bird turned, and I saw a magnificent blaze of orange.  "Wow!" I couldn't help saying out loud.  Then I really got a good look.  "'s...JUST a robin," I thought with a feeling of disappointment as I lowered my binoculars.  WAIT...that very thought goes against everything I am trying to be and share with others.  I had to really think about this and make a conscious shift right then and there.

Just because something is "common" does not mean it is not special.  There is definitely no shortage of people in this world, yet each one of us is unique.  All of this led me to wonder why we are so intrigued by things that are rare, and why people strive to be able to say things like, "I have the only one," or "I own the original."  If only we could focus on the seemingly simple and common things around us and find beauty in those as well.  That is living!  That is my challenge for you today (and hopefully every day that follows)...find something in your surroundings, something you usually pass by without noticing, and appreciate it....really find its value and beauty.  I bet you will feel a little part of you grow inside, which will only make YOU more beautiful!  Remember, things are rarely as ordinary as they might seem.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Incredible, Edible...COCONUT!

I think it's about time for a little product review-ish post!  Today I am talking about an extremely important ingredient in any recipe for healing and staying healthy...COCONUT!  I discovered coconut oil back when I was nursing my son and he was allergic to dairy and soy.  Coconut oil proved to be the perfect oil for baking.  It comes in a solid form, so I would melt it and use it in place of vegetable-type oils in cakes, muffins, etc.  I even spread it on toast sometimes!  It is a great butter substitute.  Then later on I discovered coconut water.  I tried quite a few brands, but ended up sticking with "Naked" brand (, because it had the lowest percentage of sugar (very important when you have any sort of bacterial/microbial thing going on, because they thrive on sugar) that I could find.

I was beyond psyched to find out just how miraculous coconuts can be!  It's all about the lauric acid (which deserves its own post, but if you are interested you can easily look it up).  Coconuts have been proven to have antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, and antibacterial properties.  This is beneficial for all of us, but especially anyone with a compromised immune system.  I have read quite a bit about it helping cancer and HIV patients with viral protection, etc.  It actually helps all sorts of conditions and is particularly healing to the gut.  I could go on and on, but if you want to know more go to this website:

I hope you will check it out!  I can't remember the exact brand of coconut oil I use (and I am too lazy - and in bed - to go downstairs to look), so if you want to know just post a comment below.  I know it is organic and I order it online.  There are different, extra virgin, etc...just like with olive oil.  I am more than happy to answer any questions you might have!

I am so obsessed with coconut and its health benefits that I use a coconut oil-based body oil everyday.  I will review that in another post...  For added enjoyment with any of the coconut products I mentioned, close your eyes and pretend you are on a tropical island!  That should give you a boost as well!
*UPDATE: The coconut oil brands I highly recommend are:
1. Omega Nutrition Coconut Oil -
2. Dr. Bronner's Coconut Oil -

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It Takes A Team I mentioned in last night's post I have not been feeling so great lately.  While at my hypnotherapist's last night we started off with our usual review of current symptoms, which helps her know what to focus on during our session.  For the first time she really urged me to contact my doctor with an update, because she was concerned.  Ugh...that deflated me a little.  We ended up completely reviewing my journey up to this point...the many doctors who couldn't figure my illness out, the feelings of being left to fend for myself, the "soldiering on" (as she put it), the months of uncertainty...  She wanted to make the point that I am strong, and I really have made it so far, and I have made quite a bit of progress.  Sure, I can now admit that I have surprised myself with my determination and strength at times, but the truth is IT TAKES A TEAM.

In the "beginning" I had my family (mostly my husband and my mother), and that was pretty much it.  They knew I wasn't crazy or making this whole thing up.  They were right there every time I needed to talk.  I saw almost 15 doctors (some of them multiple times) who just couldn't figure it out, and then when their tests came back "normal," they were happy to send me home with no answers, no help.  I found two very caring doctors in that group, who were willing to listen, but they were left scratching their heads.  The whole time I was researching and had severely altered my diet in an attempt to help.  Then I took a matter of time I had found my doctor (MD), my acupuncturist (thank-you brother-in-law), my herbalist (thanks to a cousin), and my hypnotherapist...and they became my "care" team.  It took some weeding out of other therapists, a naturopath who has been very helpful with some conditions that crop-up, and the many MDs I saw overtime.

I know I promised to keep this blog positive, but I share this information to empower you.  I used to put all doctors (and some other professionals) up on a pedestal and just assume that they must know better than me.  NO ONE knows your body better than YOU, and there are doctors out there who will LISTEN and work WITH you.  You shouldn't have to settle when it comes to your health.  Listen to your gut and get the help you deserve.

I also have an amazing massage therapist who truly cares and she actually suggested Lyme early on.  I have the best Priest who has been there to listen and lend guidance and support.  Then I have my wonderful friends and extended family who randomly check in on me and lift me up.  All of these different support systems come together to walk through this journey with me beautifully.

I do have to say that nothing has been more beautiful than the love and support from my husband.  Some would have run a long time ago.  Seriously.  This man has been unfaltering in his strength.  He truly has had two full-time jobs since I became sick.  The minute he gets home from work he is cooking dinner and helping out with our son.  Then he prepares breakfast for me and wraps it up for me so it is ready in the morning.  He does the grocery shopping, most of the errands, most of the laundry...and the list goes on.  He just wants me to focus on getting better.  Since I have been more knocked down lately he has been right there with his "tough love" and pep talks to get me through it and moving forward.  He always puts me first, and his unconditional love is inspiring.

Our son is also an amazing motivator.  He is why I get out of bed in the morning.  He keeps me pushing myself to be better and get better.  His love and care, giggles and smiles, bazillion hugs and kisses, are the best medicine and biggest blessing I could ever pray for.  It is hard to put into words what that little angel does for me.

My Mom has been right there...answering my calls, doing the best she can to hide her concern and be supportive.  Many times she has dropped her life to drive all the way here to help out, or to help in any way that she can.  What can you say about your mom?  Now that I am a mom I understand her love for me even more.  I also understand that this has probably hurt her more than it hurts me at times.

At the center of all of this is...JESUS!  There are no words, but I KNOW that I am never alone as long as I have my faith.  During the nights when the rest of the world is asleep I still have comfort and love.

I know I am missing people, but you get my point...I have rambled on long enough!  You may be alone in your symptoms and knowing how your everyday struggles truly feel, but when it comes to getting through it (whatever that happens to be for you), it takes a lot of love and support from those around you.  One of the hardest things for me has been leaning on others, but I wouldn't have made it this far if I hadn't.  Allow yourself to lean or to be caught sometimes.  You can "soldier on" only so much...then you must look to your team to have your back.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Just Relax, Would Ya?!

Hey there!  Unfortunately I am not feeling so great tonight, but I still wanted to put something out there...  Back when I was first incredibly sick, running from doctor to doctor, searching for answers, I decided I needed to start taking care of myself.  I found a pretty good website with some helpful exercises.  In later posts I will talk more about relaxation, visualization, hypnosis, yoga, etc...but this website should be a good way for you to get your feet wet if you are interested.  These exercises are helpful for anyone and everyone.  Check it out!  I would be SO HAPPY to know I gave someone the gift of relaxation!  Enjoy!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

SSS #1 - I Hope You Dance

Ah, Sunday already.  I am going to keep my posts on Sunday short...and simple, since it is supposed to be a day of rest.  I will affectionately call them "Simple Sunday Supper."  I find the idea of Sunday Supper to be a beautiful, somewhat lost, tradition.  A chance for loved ones to come together to end the weekend and start a new week.  To share in food, stories, support, love.  Back in the day when families all lived in the same neighborhood/area it was common.  Now with all of us spreading our wings and branching out from our home roots it is happening less and less.  I will try to offer up a little nourishment for your soul on Sundays, no matter where you might be reading from.  Maybe a song, poem, photo, piece of art...just something to bring a smile and some warmth...maybe give you a chance to reflect, journal, relax...ENJOY!

I Hope You Dance
Yesterday I was a little frustrated that my toddler wouldn't nap.  Up and down the stairs I went, multiple times, trying to convince him that he needed to stay in his bed.  I was desperate to have some down time...grab something to eat, rest, or get something done.  When I realized that it was a pointless battle, I decided to change my attitude and have a change of heart.  I took him in my lap, in my arms, and told him that I wanted to give him some advice.  I then put on the song "I Hope You Dance," sang along with it, clearly pronouncing the words for him, and then explained what I meant.  We listened to it over and over, and then I asked him, "So...if you get the choice to sit it out, or dance...what will you do?"  "DANCE!" he answered.  YES!!!  I hope so!  It is definitely one of those songs that I would write down as a little life advice for him to ponder later on.  My husband and I actually used the song for our wedding party to dance to at our wedding.  I really hope for everyone, big and small, that they will always choose to DANCE (literally and figuratively).  If someone is on the side of the dance floor laughing at you, they are the one with the problem, and you should actually feel sorry for them.  They are missing out!  Truth be told, everyone would love to be able to let go, feel life, and just DANCE!  Next time you get a chance, DANCE!

I Hope You Dance (Lyrics)
Songwriters: Sanders, Mark D.; Sillers, Tia;

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder
You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger
May you never take one single breath for granted
God forbid love ever leave you empty-handed

I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

I hope you dance
I hope you dance

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Living might mean taking chances but they're worth taking
Lovin' might be a mistake but it's worth making

Don't let some hell-bent heart leave you bitter
When you come close to selling out reconsider
Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

I hope you dance
(Time is a wheel in constant motion always
Rolling us along)
I hope you dance
(Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder
Where those years have gone)

I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

I hope you dance
I hope you dance

(Time is a wheel in constant motion always
Rolling us along)
I hope you dance
(Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder
Where those years have gone)

Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder
Where those years have gone

Saturday, March 24, 2012

OWN Your Life

Ok, how can I explain this?  Oprah's new network OWN came along at such a serendipitous time in my life...while coming to terms with a chronic illness at age 31 and the resulting upheaval in my life.  I remember it so clearly, and I have the e-mail to remind me.  I had started to feel really sick around the time The Oprah Winfrey Show was ending.  I remember watching her last tribute shows, and then her final farewell.  I had been a viewer off and on for many years.  I cried through much of her finale, but most of all I was inspired and moved by her.  At one point when I was at my worst and could not get out of bed I turned on the T.V. and found The Oprah Winfrey Show reruns.  They really kept me company, and I was compelled to write her an e-mail (which I knew she would never read) just because I didn't want my appreciation to go unnoted.  I wrote: "I don't usually write e-mails like this, because I just assume they will not be read...but here I sit...doing it more as therapy while also hoping you will read my words."  I remember typing away while I could hear my husband and son out the window, playing in the summer sun without me.  I vowed then to live a better life before I even knew what my journey would be like.  About Oprah's final show I wrote, "To say that I was inspired would be an understatement.  I suddenly looked at life differently and made some promises to myself."  Some other comments I made were, (about my current life) "I also found myself getting caught up in the day to day things and complaining or getting down about things I really shouldn't...I want to be better not only in my actions, but in my thoughts.  I tend to get anxious easily and sweat the small stuff...I want to shed that burden.  I am definitely not a "bad" person, but now I want to be the BEST person!"  I ended with, "Right now I am focused on getting better, and once I am...LOOK OUT WORLD!  I am going to make a difference.  I have always known that the two most important things in life are 1. HEALTH & 2. FAMILY/FRIENDS, and I have never taken them for granted...but now, after receiving the gift of your final show, and feeling the fragility of my own health/life, I promise to DO SOMETHING to make this world a better place when I am back on my feet again.  Thank you isn't enough, but THANK YOU for all you have done, and all you continue to do.  After watching those three final shows I couldn't help but feel hopeful again.  In a world that can seem so dark sometimes, you have reached many with your great light, and if all of us who love and respect you can spread that around...what a wonderful, bright world it will be again!"

Then it was like I woke-up one day and BAM! entered the Oprah Winfrey Network..."Life Class," "Super Soul Sunday," "Oprah's Next Chapter," "Master Class."  I guess she had read my letter!  ;-)  I eagerly tuned into the first "Life Class" show, and with each show and its abundant golden nuggets, I felt like an audience member on the Saturday Night Live skit where heads were exploding from excitement, because Oprah was giving everyone a new car.  SERIOUSLY!  It all made perfect sense.  I was looking around wondering if it had all been created just for me...a la "The Truman Show."

Coincidentally, (or as Oprah would say, "There are no coincidences") tomorrow's Super Soul Sunday is about "Living With Grace."  It will be on OWN at 11:00AM (ET) tomorrow.  I hope you will be able to tune-in or record it.  Then the second season of "Oprah's Lifeclass" will be premiering Monday night (3/26) at 8:00PM (ET).  Regardless of what you thought of The Oprah Winfrey Show, or previous opinions you may have had about her, this is GOOD STUFF!  Finally some quality television that you don't feel gross about afterward!  It really can change your life for the better!

Now I just have two other small requests for Miss Oprah (or as I like to call her, HOPE-rah), since she seems to be into granting my wishes: 1. A food-allergy-friendly, organic restaurant chain (so maybe I can go out to eat again someday); 2. An evening news program that only reports positive/happy news.  Thank you, Queen of Media!!!  ;-)

I won't usually make suggestions that will include plopping yourself in front of the television, but this is so worth it!  You can get a lot out of it.  I am interested to hear if you watch and what you think!  Happy viewing!!!

*For more information, go to:

Friday, March 23, 2012

FF #1 - It's Never Too Late

Happy Friday!  Let's jump right in...  I am so happy and excited to introduce the first installment of what I will be calling "Friday's Frosting."  Some people start the weekend off with a drink, a bath, a dinner out, a movie...for me it is all about dessert.  Unfortunately I have been on an extremely restricted diet (including NO sugar - not even fruit!) for almost a year, so I have had to turn to things other than food to indulge in.  Every Friday you can look forward to reading about something inspiring - inspirational people, quotes, charities, events, acts of bravery and kindness, etc...  A little celebration for getting through the week, and a way to start your weekend on a positive note.  I am always more than happy to send you on your way with a little something sweet!  Enjoy!

It's Never Too Late
I had my first inspirational person to share with you all picked out and ready to go (she really is amazing), but I read an article a few days ago that I just can't stop thinking about, and I wanted to capture those feelings before I lost them.  The person's name is Jim Henry...nothing particularly exciting about his name, or his life, really...on the surface.  He was pulled out of school in the third grade to become a fisherman (a lobsterman, to be exact) in order to help his family get by.  Now at age 98 he lives in an assisted-living home in Mystic, Connecticut.

Two years ago his granddaughter shared a memoir with him about a slave who had conquered illiteracy late in life.  He found the story inspiring, since he could relate.  He had spent his whole life faking being able to read the newspaper, and always ordered after others in restaurants, just picking something someone else had ordered.  He said he felt "so ashamed," and admitted, "sometimes I cried."  He was inspired by someone else's story, and he set his mind to change this aspect of his life!  I love it!!!  He started like a child would with ABCs and his own name, and with the help of a tutor he later started writing stories about his life-long fishing adventures.  WAIT, it gets better...  He compiled those stories into a book and has sold more than 2,000 copies!  In his little hometown bookstore he outsold Steve Jobs' book in one month!  All of this at the age of 98!  Now that's incredible!

I get so frustrated when I see people interested in learning or trying something new, but they say, "I am too old."  HA!  Tell that to Mr. Henry!  You are doing yourself a serious disservice by restricting yourself in such a way.  Plus, you are not setting a very good example for those around you.  There are so many people whose lives are cut short, who would have loved the opportunity to live more of life, and live it fully.  It is a sin to waste yours holding back.

Mr. Henry stated that the best gift of his literacy has been finally being able to lose himself in other people's stories.  He was inspired by someone, now we are inspired by him.  See how that works?!  Make a change for yourself, and inspire someone else in the process!  It's win, win!  IT'S NEVER TOO LATE!

Oh...and here is another item for your gratitude journal - "I am thankful that I can read and write!"

*Check out Jim Henry's website:

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Today is an easy day for me to be thankful.  I felt amazing, the weather was gorgeous, and my son and I had the best day exploring Boston together.  I haven't felt this great in a long time, and I just can't stop smiling and saying how grateful I am for it all.

Gratitude is very important.  I have read and heard from many different, unrelated sources that gratitude improves your health and your life overall.  It's not surprising.  As I will say many more times, what you put out there comes back to you.

After hearing so much about gratitude I decided to start a "Gratitude Journal" back in November.  I could have started sooner, but at that particular time I felt like I was starting to get back on my feet a little, and I might be able to carve out some regular time to devote to it.  I am so glad I did!  I just flipped back through some of my entries.  A few of the things I write about being thankful for are: my eyesight (that's a big one), my hearing (so I can hear my son's voice, the music I love, etc.), sunshine, support from others, a beautiful flower, hope, random acts of kindness, the comforts of my home, seeing the world through my son's eyes, being at peace with what is, love, hugs and kisses are frequent ones...and the list goes on.  I always start with the same thing at the top of each entry: Jesus.  For me He is at the center of it all.  It might be something else for you, but try to come up with one constant that you can depend on being thankful for everyday.  That way, even on your hardest days, when you can't come up with anything, you have that.

I think that taking life, and the many blessings each of us have, for granted is somewhat of an epidemic.  We are so busy going and doing that we don't slow down to see the amazing gifts all around us.  I know it is particularly difficult when you don't feel well, you are worried about being able to pay your bills, or a relationship is crumbling, but that is when we need to do it the most.  As I mentioned, I did wait to start keeping a Gratitude Journal until I was beginning to get my head above water.  Now might not be the right time for you.  I have tried to do it every single day, but there are days I don't get to it.  There was one stretch where I went about three weeks without doing it.  I decided that I was okay with that.  I still made a point of stopping at times during the day to be thankful for things.  There is so much that I am told to do to get my health back in order, that I didn't need another thing to be regimented about.  If it is going to add more to your already too long to-do list, or if it will make you feel bad to miss doing it some days (or weeks), then don't bother.  Only do things that fit with your life and make you feel good.  Be kind and understanding with yourself!

If you don't even know where to Oprah says, "Start with your breath."  You are here, you are alive.  Many people didn't make it to today.  That means you can still work on whatever needs to be turned around.  Even if it is your health.  You can do everything in your power to strengthen yourself, and there are actually lots of options (which I will get to in later posts).  I start and end my day thanking God for another day on earth...especially for the chance to be with my family.  It is a gift...not a given.  Start living that way, and be thankful for all you DO have, instead of focusing on what you don't.

Gratitude - make it a constant part of your attitude!


Wednesday, March 21, 2012


WELCOME to my blog!!!  I am very happy and excited to be here, doing this...I am even more psyched that someone is actually reading it!  :-)  It doesn't matter who you are, what you look like, how old you are, where you live, how much money you have, or any other label/restriction you place on yourself...we ALL have worth, something to share, a unique quality that adds to the lives of others...our own light to shine.  (Cheesy, I know, but true!)  My "old self" would have been reluctant to speak up at a gathering, because I would think something like, "Who cares about my stories or point of view?  They are only meaningful to me."  Now look at what I am doing here!  HA!  On the flip-side of it, my old self also may have looked at someone, thinking I had them "figured out," and assumed that they couldn't possibly have anything to talk about that would apply to my life or resonate with me.  WRONG!  My new philosophy is to talk to anyone and everyone.  Human interactions enrich our lives greatly.  If nothing else, they bring that wonderful feeling of validation.  "Hi, you matter, and I matter."  Even if only for a moment it feels like the world cares and all is well in it.  Give it a try.  Walk down the street, smile, make eye contact.  "Go ahead, make my day!"

The purpose of this blog is to help you embrace your life...flaws and all...and make the best of it!  A little positivity goes a long way.  It starts with you, and it's contagious!